2024-09-08 - 2024-09-14

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Books being read Link to heading

Learned Link to heading

  • PostgreSQL query to split string in multiple rows: SELECT regexp_split_to_table('row1,row2,row3', ',')
  • jq
    • sort output by key: jq -S
    • cast strings->JSONs jq '.<key> |= fromjson'
    • cast multiple strings->JSONs jq '.<key> |= fromjson | .<another-key> |= fromjson'
    • cast string->JSON in a list jq 'map(.<key> |= fromjson)'
    • cast multiple strings->JSONs in a list jq 'map(.<key> |= fromjson | .<another-key> |= fromjson)'

Discovered tools Link to heading

  • chezmoi - manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely
  • ell - LLMs calls as Python functions

Read articles Link to heading

Read news Link to heading

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