2024-07-28 - 2024-08-03

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Books being read Link to heading

Discovered tools Link to heading

  • patchwork - LLM workflows for code reviews, patches and documentation
  • sgrep - semantic searches using word embeddings
  • Readability.js - library used for Firefox Reader View
  • napkin-math - Techniques and numbers for estimating system’s performance from first-principles
  • Orama - hybrid (full-text and semantic) search engine
  • BrowserCat - Headless browser as a service
  • Microlink - headless browser as a service
  • Guesstimate - spreadsheet for things that aren’t certain
  • Docsy - Hugo theme for technical documentation sites
  • Astral - webapp to organize your GitHub stars
  • Shiori - bookmark manager for web and CLI
  • linkding - bookmark manager
  • Aider - AI pair programming in your terminal
  • DiceDB - drop-in replacement of Redis with SQL-based realtime reactivity
  • datasette-dashboards - dashboards for Datasette
  • datasette dogsheep-beta - full-text search across content from multiple SQLite database
  • pyinstrument - call stack profiler for Python

Read articles Link to heading

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