2024-07-07 - 2024-07-13

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Discovered tools Link to heading

  • Pongo - Mongo but on Postgres - interesting, but I can’t think of good use-cases
  • quality-prompts - implements 58 LLM prompting techniques
  • klotho - uses comments in the codebase to create the infrastructure
  • Zango - multiple Django applications as independently deployable units on a single monolith.
  • System Initiative
  • Posting - HTTP client that lives in your terminal - I loved that it runs in the terminal and the requests are stored as YAML files.
  • monolith - saves complete web pages as a single HTML file
  • tau - #OpenSource PaaS. #AlternativeTo Vercel / Netlify / Cloudflare.

Read articles Link to heading

Listened Link to heading

Books being read Link to heading

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