
Installing Link to heading

sudo apt update
sudo apt install lua5.4 luarocks

Learning Link to heading

What is .busted file? Link to heading

Configuration file for Busted framework.

What is Busted? Link to heading

busted is a unit testing framework with a focus on being easy to use

What is *.rockspec file? Link to heading

Rockspec format describes a Lua package (or Lua rock) that can be installed using LuaRocks.

What is a table? Link to heading

Data structure that represents arrays, dictionaries, and other complex data structures.


KeysAny type except nil (including other tables)Immutable types (e.g., strings, numbers, tuples)Strings or symbols
ValuesAny typeAny typeAny type
Definition syntaxlocal x = {a = 1, b = 2, c = 3}x = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}const x = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
Set value syntaxx.d = 4 or x['d'] = 4x['d'] = 4x.d = 4; or x['d'] = 4
Get value syntaxx.d or x['d']x['d']x.d; or x['d']

What is local M = {}? Link to heading

local M = {} is a pattern to create and manage a module in Lua, providing encapsulation and a clear structure for defining and exporting functionality.

How it works: initializes an empty table M that will be used to collect functions and variables that will be a part of the module’s interface. local ensures that M is scoped to the module file, preventing it from being accessed globally. This is good practice to avoid polluting the global namespace and potential name conflicts.

M table is returned at the end of the script.

-- <moduleName>.lua
local M = {}

function M.sayHello()
 print("Hello, world!")

local function privateFunction()
 -- This function is not added to M and remains private to the module

return M
-- main.lua
-- Hello, world!
-- stdin:1: attempt to call a nil value (field 'privateFunction')
-- stack traceback:
--        stdin:1: in main chunk
--        [C]: in ?