
Collection of interesting links ordered by the date I read them.

2024-04-16Twitter@auren - How can I accelerate my personal growthYou need a job: 1. surrounded by people who are smarter than you; 2. opportunity to fail; 3. massive responsibility.
2024-04-16BlogGPT is the Heroku of AIOpenAI has given developers a very expensive way to do ML features without needing an ML team.
2024-04-16BlogLessons after a half-billion GPT tokens
2024-04-16BlogUse an llm to automagically generate meaningful git commit messages
2024-04-16GitHubfsspec/filesystem_specA specification for pythonic filesystems
2024-04-16BlogClient libraries are better when they have no APICreating an fsspec API
2024-04-16Twitter@OpenAIDevs - Introducing the Batch API
2024-03-25GitHubOpenInterpreter/open-interpreterA natural language interface for computers
2024-03-09YouTubeWait But Why - My Work Day in a Vision Pro
2024-03-09BlogAll My Thoughts After 40 Hours in the Vision Pro
2024-02-26BlogHow Does BlueSky Work?
2024-02-23Twitter@DynamicWebPaige - Screen capture -> Gemini -> Selenium code
2024-02-22BlogThings I Don’t Know About AI
2024-02-20RedditI’ve put a complex codebase into a single 120K-token prompt, and asked 7 questions GPT-4 and Gemini 1.5. Here are the results!Gemini 1.5 absolutely destroyed GPT-4-Turbo-128K.